Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Clan Wars Campaign II - What You Can Expect

Yes its here everybody, its the second clusterfuck, I mean Clan Wars Campaign. This campaign will be using a system of "Fame Points" instead of Victory Points. All of the clan will be competing for a chance to win a VK 72.01 "FailLowe", and there will also be a high gold reward for top clans, an expansion of the CW map. This campaign will feature WG competing against the other clans (probably so they don't have to give out more gold!)

1st Stage: Revolution Epoch (Tier I-VI)
2nd Stage: Train Robbery (Tier I-VIII)
3rd Stage: Gold Rush (Tier I-X)

Victory Points and Fame Points

Victory Points will be acquired from provinces and special tasks by a clan as a collective. These points will be used to determine the winner of each stage and later – of the entire Campaign. Victory Points will also be added each turn as a 1/24th part of the daily Victory Points’ income. The winner of the stage will be determined by the amount of Clan Victory Points earned within that stage. In the case of Victory Points being equal, the number of winners may be increased.

Fame Points are earned by clan members individually. They will be based on the amount of experience received in the Campaign’s battles, as well as on the completion of secondary tasks. A player’s Fame Points will equal the total amount of the team’s Fame Points divided by the number of team members and multiplied by special rates. These points will be the basis for the player’s individual ranking. Fame cannot be lost, and all gathered points will remain with the player until the Campaign’s end.

The clan that wins Stage I will receive the ‘Emperor’ medal.
The clan that wins Stage II will receive the ‘Nomad’ medal.
The clan that wins Stage III will receive the ‘Gold Digger’ medal.
The clan that takes first place in the Campaign, based on the amount of Victory Points, will receive the ‘Triumphator I Class’ medal.

The clan that takes second place in the Campaign, based on the amount of Victory Points, will receive the ‘Triumphator II Class’ medal.

The clan that takes third place in the Campaign, based on the amount of Victory Points, will receive the ‘Triumphator III Class’ medal.

All players who participate in at least one battle in each Stage will be rewarded with a special ‘2nd Campaign Competitor’ ribbon.

Reward Tank: VK 72.01

I don't really have much to say about this tank that hasn't already been said, so here are the stats to make your own opinions on its play style. 


Radio Operator

Main Tank Stats:

Health: 2500
Weight: 119700
Hull Armor: 200/160/120
Turret Armor: 200/160/120
Max speed (km/h): 43/15
Turning rate (grades/s): 24
Shell damage: 750/750/950
Penetration: 235/334/85
Rate of Fire: 2.73
Turret Turn Rate: 24
View Range: 400
Radio Range: 720

Price: 22500g

Gun: 15 cm KwK L/38
- Ammo capacity: 24
- Reload time: 22

Engine: MB 517
- Type: Diesel (Frontal Transmission)
- Power: 1200hp

Radio: 10WSc

- Signal Range: 720

Q&A from Reddit:

Q: DarkXFire: What each stage will entail? (Or at least the first one.)
A: Each CW stage will offer the chance to earn a VK7201 and a large sum of gold along with a medal.

Q: not_awsome: Can someone explain what fame points are? What are they used for?
A: The fame points will act like victory points in the last campaign. Fame points are going to be rewarded based on experience gained in CW battles for this campaign. The system is as follows [Fame Points per player] = ([Fame Points gained as a team] / [Total number of team members in battle]) * [Fame Multipliers]. Easy to understand, I know.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Tankspot 12: T24

This is probably going to be one the shortest Tankspots because I could get, as they say in the industry "fuck all" information about this tank (in WoT at least). But never the less I will try to bring you all that I can find. What is known is that it was prototyped and designed along side the T40 Tank Destroyer and during the summer of 1941, Baldwin Locomotive Works began development of a vehicle to fill the need for a true tank destroyer. They began with the chassis of an M3 Lee medium tank, added a modified superstructure with an open, hexagonally-shaped top, and armed the vehicle with the M1918 3-inch gun. "Baldwin later returned to the Army was basically a somewhat improved T24. Indeed, it was the T24 pilot vehicle, simply modified with a slightly lower superstructure and some minor improvements to the weapon and related systems. The vehicle was accepted for testing at Aberdeen once more, this time under the designation of T40. The Ordnance Department was still far from impressed, but a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese, and the subsequent entry of the United States into the war prompted the vehicle's adoption as the Army's first standardized full-track tank destroyer. It was christened the 3-inch Gun Motor Carriage, M9, and a production contract was awarded for 1,000 examples. However, as the vehicle was not truly up the Army's standards, the contract was cancelled only four months later, in April 1942. The M9 had simply proven too slow, and furthermore, its 3-inch main armament was not available in sufficient quantity. As the vehicle had a basis on the M3 Lee medium tank, the silhouette was also above the minimum for a vehicle intended as an ambush predator. The Tank Destroyer Board finally abandoned the project at the end of the summer of 1942, officially due to the insufficient mobility and speed of the vehicle." In World of Tanks this tank would fall into the place currently occupied by the T40 (because they are essentially the same tank, except maybe moved down to tier 3 to make the best use out of the M3 Lees gun). 


Monday, October 7, 2013

First Look: WARPACK


What exactly is the world of Tanks WARPACK? Well the first thing is, its illegal! Yep, pretty much anyone that is caught using this pack runs a high risk of getting the ban hammer from WG. So what exactly does this mod do that makes it illegal? Well to start off it originally had hacks directly related to the .exe which are a big no-no for WG, but these were fixed a few patches back when they were made server side. But enough of this dribble, here is what it does now as of patch 8.8:

- Smart modified autoaim, that can track a target behind obstacles and highlight its contour. Also, it doesn't aim at the center of the vehicle, but at (preprogrammed) vulnerable spots. Oh, and it also calculates the speed of the target and aims in front of it to compensate (pre-aim) (Debatable Legality)

- Automatic fire extinguisher/repair, a script that triggers the repair/extinguish automatically as soon as it happens (Debatable Legality)
- Removes any aim circle jerking (contrary to the official version, there is no jerk even when you get rammed) (ILLEGAL!)
- Counterarty hack that puts a red dot on the spot enemy arty just fired from (ILLEGAL!)
- Sixth sense mod that replaces the perk (if you don't have it), it shows you not only you are targetted but also who's targetting you (ILLEGAL!)
- Artymode for tanks and TDs, snipermode for arty (with the artymode you can fire HE shells accross the map with a regular tank) (ILLEGAL!)
- Tracerhack (visible and color tracers) (ILLEGAL!)
- A mod showing on minimap where trees fell or buildings got destroyed ("ideal for field commanders") (ILLEGAL!)
- A mod that removes ALL vegetation and "binoculars" in sniper mode (Illegal on most servers, not enforced on some)
- Laser pointer mod (ILLEGAL!)
- A free camera mod (Debatable Legality)
- Enemy reload timer (Debatable Legality)
- White wrecks (Legal)
- Fire burst mode (ILLEGAL!)
- Extended zoom in sniper mode (Legal)  

(Notice as of March 2015, the video was removed from youtube via a copyright strike from a Wargaming affiliated service. They have destroyed my channels content and have made this video unlisted. I am trying as hard as I can to bring my videos back.)
You may think this is great, and how do I download it? well here the real answer: you don't. This mod pack is nothing but trouble. First off the site requires that you give them your Wargaming ID and password (Red Flag 1). Secondly they charge your credit card monthly and are very shady about cancellations (Red Flag 2). Thirdly  the mod itself is very unstable and crashes a lot with newer maps. Don't believe me? Well have a look here:  

This mod is no good, and anyone who actually gives their credit card and WG ID are downright insane. For those truly brave enough here is the website: http://warpack.net/en/index