Tankspot is back everybody! This time we are diving deep into the interwebs to find info and stats on unreleased American tanks! First up is the T54E2.
Known Stats:
Tier: 9
Classification: Medium
Tech Tree: Premium Tank
Gun Type: 105mm Canon (Non-Autoloader)
Wikipedia Information: "The T54 was a series of prototype American tanks of the 1950s with three different turrets, all armed with a 105mm gun, mounted on the M48 Patton chassis. The original T54 had a conventional turret with an autoloader, while the turret on T54E1 was of an oscillating design with an autoloader and the one on T54E2 was conventional with a human loader. The turret on T54E1 was similar to that of the T69 in its oscillating design and in that it held a crew of three and a nine-round drum autoloader under the gun. The T54E1 was abandoned in 1956 and in 1957 the entire project was cancelled in favor of the T95."
My guess is that this tank was supposed to be released a patch before, or in the same patch as the US auto-loader line as a tier 9 medium or teaser / crew trainer (much like the Matilda BP). The tank was most likely scrapped due to WGs policy of having no premiums over tier 8 purchasable for gold or the superiority of the T54E1.